Blog / Tutorials


Advanced publication process customization

This article delves into advanced customization of the Staatic WordPress plugin, focusing on using filter and action hooks to modify the behavior of its crawler and publication process. It provides a detailed guide on fine-tuning content inclusion, managing complex site architectures, and customizing the publication tasks. The guide also illustrates how to handle specific scenarios like maintaining absolute URLs for SEO and ensuring all relevant site content is included in the static version.

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Hosting WordPress Sites on GitHub Pages

This tutorial demonstrates how to publish a dynamic WordPress site to GitHub Pages with ease using the Staatic plugin. It covers creating a GitHub account, setting up a repository, and generating a personal access token for secure connectivity. The tutorial guides through installing and configuring Staatic in WordPress, transforming the site into a static format for GitHub Pages. This method leverages GitHub’s robust platform for improved performance and security, streamlining the management of WordPress sites with the efficiency of static site hosting.

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Hosting WordPress sites on IPFS using Fleek

Adopting the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) for web hosting introduces a practical shift to a decentralized and robust internet framework. IPFS distributes data across a global network, improving efficiency, security, and the longevity of hosted content. Notably, even WordPress sites can be hosted on this innovative protocol, thanks to tools like Staatic, which enable the transformation of dynamic WordPress content into a static format suitable for IPFS. The tutorial focuses on this transformation process and the subsequent hosting using Fleek.

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Enabling Disqus comments

Static WordPress sites can’t use native comments due to their static nature. This tutorial details integrating the Disqus Comment System to enable interactive comments. Disqus is chosen for its ease of use, social integration, and spam filtering. The tutorial covers installing the Disqus plugin in WordPress, setting up a Disqus account, configuring the plugin, and finalizing the setup. The conclusion emphasizes Disqus’s benefits in enhancing user engagement and interactivity on static WordPress sites.

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Using Smush to optimize images on your site

Discover how the Smush plugin can enhance your WordPress site’s performance by optimizing images for faster loading times without sacrificing quality. This tutorial covers installation, setup, and how to use the freemium features to reduce image file sizes, remove metadata, and implement lazy loading. For sites with higher demands, learn about Smush Pro’s advanced capabilities including unlimited image sizes and WebP conversion.

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Using Cloudinary to optimize images on your site

Cloudinary offers various image and video optimization, transformation and delivery solutions that make it possible to optimize the performance of your static site even further. In this article we will be installing and configuring the Cloudinary plugin.

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Using WordPress as a static site generator

WordPress, once started as a simple tool for bloggers, has become one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world. This is mainly due to its flexibility, easy of use and massive community. Staatic provides a plugin for WordPress, enabling webmasters to convert their dynamic WordPress site into an extremely fast and secure static site, without having to give up all of the advantages of using WordPress.

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