Documentation / Staatic Cloud / Getting started with Staatic Cloud

Getting Started


Staatic Cloud provides the best experience with Staatic and allows you to setup your static WordPress site in a matter of minutes.

Every site on Staatic Cloud includes a managed WordPress instance from where you can manage and publish your WordPress site. The published static site is hosted on our highly scalable platform and distributed over multiple regions to provide the highest performance from wherever your visitors are located.

Adding your first site

In order to get started with Staatic Cloud, you will first need to add a site to your account.

  1. Go to and login with your account details.
  2. Click Account > Sites. Then click Create Site.
  3. Enter a Name to identify your site later on.
  4. Choose a Primary Language for your site. The chosen language is used both to improve form submission validation and search indexing.
  5. Optionally enter a Initial Admin User which will be used to login to your managed WordPress instance.
  6. Finish by clicking Create Site.

This will start the process of provisioning your site. The status of this process is visible on the site details page and is updated automatically. It should not take more than a couple of minutes for the process to finish.

As soon as the process has finished provisioning your site, you will be able to access your site, as well as your managed WordPress instance.

Publishing for the first time

As you will see by visiting your static site, it awaits a first publication from your managed WordPress instance. Starting a publication can be achieved by following these steps.

  1. Go to and login with your account details.
  2. Click Account > Sites. Then click on the View Icon next to the relevant site.
  3. Click the WordPress tab and note the Initial Admin User and Initial Admin Password.
  4. Click the Login button in order to access WordPress Admin.
  5. Enter the previously noted Initial Admin User and Initial Admin Password and click Login.
  6. Click Publish within the Staatic menu in the WordPress Admin top toolbar.

Once the publication has finished, access your static site by going back to your site’s details page on and clicking the site URL within the Site tab.

What to read next

Congratulations, you have successfully finished your first Staatic publication and made your static WordPress site a reality!

Here are a few resources to learn more about Staatic.



If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our support team.